Saturday, June 11, 2011

What theee..

Mad maaan~ Mad maan~ 
U will come back to me baby oh~ 
I'm so cra-cra-crazy (clap clap clap clap mad man~)

Whoops.. Didn't realize you all known._.v
Wkwk, what? Hmm yeah it IS weird.. 
From the title "What theee.." 'till the words that you've just read..

OK, here's the thing..
I wrote that weird title cause i don't know other thing to write-,- 
Then about the words in Italic mode, it's actually a lyrics..
Which of course it's understand how i felt.. 

Oh and i just want to tell that i'm working on a project here so need y'all prayer._.
It's a fight! 

And umh if y'all still curios about what song it is, i'll post it later~ 
